Friday, March 26, 2010

Vehicle Accident Diagram

We're going to vote, there is an alternative! (More ... that Beppe)

Dear worker, dear worker

now is shortly to vote for the renewal of regional councils and the election of regional presidents, who will engage our region, Emilia Romagna. Even here, where we are traditionally accustomed to consider something different, the situation is not rosy. I know, because I lived and I am experiencing first hand on my skin. So I want to talk very briefly about my experience and why I decided to run for the Federation of the Left.
I was born in Reggio Emilia, I live in Villa Minozzo, and work as a laborer to the TAT-Ex Ceramica Nordica Roteglia of where I am a member of the RSU for the FILCTEM -CGIL, the company that last July because of business decisions combined with wicked this crisis has effectively closed its doors, leaving 115 employees without prospects for the future. All that is left of a historic ceramics company has several months of layoffs aimed only to accompany the workers to mobility. Unfortunately mine is not the only company through insolvency or bankruptcy has closed, only in the ceramic district there are about a dozen, with hundreds and hundreds of jobs lost.
In this framework with other workers of other factories have participated in the creation of the Coordination Working Area Ceramics . A unique experience in the region, developed to unite the struggles of creating a network of solidarity between workers. This is to ensure that there were no individual disputes but rather one big case in defense of the workplace, without distinction that often are created between large and small companies both in terms of visibility at the level of institutional commitment. It also made it necessary to turn the tone of the fight against trade unions sometimes too submissive, giving them a signal from below that I think could be helpful.
This prompted me to apply as a worker for the Regional Council to bring the voice of the working class both within the party that I represent in an institution as important as that of the region.
I hope to meet you soon at my side along with many comrades to bring together more strongly these battles that are central because they are absolutely necessary. At this time it is important to build a real alternative, real and credible alternative to be such, must be animated by the leadership of our employees.
E 'in this sense that I propose that the democratic management of resources and production. Just so you can ask to serve the collective interests of workers, ie those who produce the wealth, not the mere profit of a few speculators, bankers, big capitalists and managers in their comfortable can download, you become a number on a statistic, decide your future. Hail
an appeal: not to throw your vote, not to give in to resignation, VISIT at the polls, you assert your rights, you hear your voice. And they become our voice, because only together can we overcome and organized. Your preference for me would be a first step in this direction.


Pierpaolo Prandi
Nominee for Regional Council of Emilia Romagna Reggio Emilia
College Federation of the Left

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Autocad Educational Version

Text on manfrediniana gallery. Venice.

Segnalo valuable publication edited by Silvia Marchiori entitled "Opening their treasures" they have collected cards of the works of art collection of the Patriarchal Seminary of Venice, adjacent to the Basilica Santa Maria della Salute. Particular emphasis is given to the acquisition of the collection Manfredini, gathered today in the Pinacoteca Manfrediniana. In the text, also available at the museum of the basilica, on the life and works of the Marquis F. Manfredini.