July 1, 2006
Vice President Barden responded to a topical application of PRC
On litigation going on between some employees of stores dell'Unicoop Scandicci Florence and the business in question is the vice president of the province Andrew Barden said, in the Provincial Council, a topical application of the PRC Communist Party. "This is a divergence on the payment of productivity - Barden said - and, of course, there are different points of view. Workers complain that the payment of productivity, not a parameter to the growth of profits and an increase in total sales. The profits, moreover, rather than to reward employees, are used to drive down prices. A choice that, I think personally important. The Unicoop claims, lastly, that the corresponzione the productivity bonus is based on agreements signed between trade unions and Unicoop and this problem affects about a hundred workers on 130, including complex stock Scandicci, above all, that there is no problem to employment levels. "To decrease:" The event draws some of the themes contained in the pact for development, or good practices, proper labor relations and the fact of considering work as a value. We believe that there can be, by any owner, independently of the reduction in wages, even when it has a value accessory. Then if you add insult to injury that benefit citizens, because it reduces prices, the question becomes a fable. I believe that the Province
Province of Florence
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