Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Ceramic Braces Drinks

movements for the two water fountains

Appeal of the movement for water
launched at the conclusion of the Assembly Florence, 18-19 September 2010

We women and men of the local social movements, active citizenship, the world's secular and religious associations, social forces, trade unions and political world of education, research and 'University, the world of culture and art, the agricultural world, secular and religious communities
that in recent years and in all territories
• We have resisted the privatization of the water, because it removes the public a basic right to life;
• We have promoted and participated in the Italian Forum of Water Movements or in other locations, initiatives and actions, knowledge and socializing experiences, mutually reinforcing, expanding awareness and consensus;
• We have sponsored a bill with more than 400,000 signatures of citizens' initiative for ripubblicizzazione water and its participatory management;
• We have promoted regional mobilizations, national events and appointments International to reclaim what belongs to all, to secure to all and all a universal right to preserve a commons for future generations, to protect a key natural resource;
• We have launched a referendum campaign that ended with the extraordinary result of more than one million and four hundred thousand signatures ;
aware that
• The referendum opens a crucial season for the affirmation of the water and its common good governance and participatory
· the water battle is a battle with the thought of the single market and for a new idea of \u200b\u200bdemocracy;
· the privatization and commodification of water and service Water is incompatible with conservation of water resources, ecosystems and environment in general;
· a victory at the referendum next spring will open new hopes for a different economic and social model, based on the rights, property and participation in common direct people
we appeal to all women and men of this country
because, in recent months that the referendum will lead us to open a great season to raise social awareness about water, and is produced, each in its reality and with his abilities and potential, an extraordinary effort to communicate the importance of ongoing litigation and the need the involvement of the Italian people, in order to get the affirmation of the three referendum repeal.
All together, we can say the water as a common good, remove it from the logic of the market return to participatory management of local communities.
All together we are involved in the problem and we can become part of the solution.
The time is now. Why do you write and read water democracy.

Italian Forum of Water Movements
Organizing Committee of the referendum for public water



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