Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Vido Master Len Gratis

The end is approaching. Mmmmmmmm

Finally we came back from hell! What a wonderful feeling now that everything is 'back to normal':
  • us to the police placed under house
  • Reich did stand out arrest warrants for a number of crimes that, personally, I am not aware of having committed but that's okay so ';
  • we have to go back home movie "bills" with a lot of people;
  • The court of the king of Nemi is a bit' abnormal, not so much for having passed through the portal to Hell chiedereil without permission and for the that we left open in about a week (Angelo, but you're really so 'powerful?). Which should have produced a kind of final in Rome of "Ghostbusters." And down 'other bills. The nephew
  • dumb (the one with dog) told the guy in the "Hitch" the existence of a secret passage leading to the house (AAHHRRRGHHHH! !!!!!!). The Rosicrucians
  • continue to increase the bounty on me.

Now we are left only to attract Reich in the backyard (the unattended pulotti) at sunset, waiting for the other side a self-styled goddess to open a portal, hoping that the coordinates are accurate otherwise opens it in the pantry, take the Vampire and slap the hell where he will 'devour for ever and ever Amen.

I was forgetting what the most 'important: having broken his ties with the Kur and the power of the Reich' fell, hitting him in the right eye (left?) We can enable them to not get more ', then we have to do "just" a vampire with 5000 years of divine descent under the command of a troop of Succubi, Shadow Hearts and pulotti. In any case, will

'the epilogue.


Monday, March 19, 2007

I Had A Cpap Titration.when Will I Get My Cpap?


July 1, 2006



Vice President Barden responded to a topical application of PRC

On litigation going on between some employees of stores dell'Unicoop Scandicci Florence and the business in question is the vice president of the province Andrew Barden said, in the Provincial Council, a topical application of the PRC Communist Party. "This is a divergence on the payment of productivity - Barden said - and, of course, there are different points of view. Workers complain that the payment of productivity, not a parameter to the growth of profits and an increase in total sales. The profits, moreover, rather than to reward employees, are used to drive down prices. A choice that, I think personally important. The Unicoop claims, lastly, that the corresponzione the productivity bonus is based on agreements signed between trade unions and Unicoop and this problem affects about a hundred workers on 130, including complex stock Scandicci, above all, that there is no problem to employment levels. "To decrease:" The event draws some of the themes contained in the pact for development, or good practices, proper labor relations and the fact of considering work as a value. We believe that there can be, by any owner, independently of the reduction in wages, even when it has a value accessory. Then if you add insult to injury that benefit citizens, because it reduces prices, the question becomes a fable. I believe that the Province should not attack nor the corporate autonomy nor independence of auditors, draw Unicoop to compliance with the pact for development work. I believe that there are written in good practice in labor relations and how do you deal with all workers. "

Province of Florence

Rsvp Card Wording Ideas


Friday, January 5, 2007



yet irreconcilable positions between the company and the staff on the afternoon shift



may soon reach a solution to the crisis that now consumes two years between the company and workers employed by the Coop distribution center in the industrial area Scandicci. Centrodel to the dispute, the working hours. Some of the more than 120 warehouse workers contesting the decision to have the property fully contracted the afternoon shift and night deposit, the cooperative CFT (which employs mostly non-EU staff), relegating the employees to the traditional single shift in the morning. In particular, the workers do not challenge the choice, legitimate, that a prerogative of the business policy of the Coop, as the one-sidedness with which it was made. From Saturday to Monday in the first months of 2005, the workers apparently were told to appear exclusively for the morning shift, and never for one afternoon (the night was even then the sole responsibility of the cooperative contract). The fear is that the workers behind such a move, according to them is unlawful because it did not previously coordinated with the unions, there is an intention to entrust soon, the entire distribution center Coop, to outside firms, who lend their work in procurement, enabling the company obvious savings management. "I do not want to believe that licensing one - is to know one of the thirty persons who have opened a dispute in the Court's work - but maybe redistributed among the various outlets scattered throughout the province." And so for fear of this eventuality, once established, according to them, the margins of illegality in the conduct and management have opened a case against the company. In the absence of a union willing to take on this dispute ("Coop are all compliant with" a strong throw accusations that the workers concerned), have privately contacted the law firm Paul Fanfani, specializing in labor law: "We challenged the order of service in January 2005, which unilaterally, the company informed workers of the time change, as clearly in contravention of Article 89Ccnl (national collective agreement for work), that this legitimate decisionea postpone a previous consultation union representatives. " This consultazioneinvece there never was. Once you reach this appeal to the Provincial Directorate of the work in spring 2005, appears to have been the same director Agata Muto, in her concluding remarks, to advise the company to restore the old afternoon shift. I note the refusal of the company, workers through their lawyers, convinced of their own right, continued the legal route. Also failed to attempt to settle prior to the cause, entered in the circuit of the process itself. In early September the first hearing in late October, the second and final: both sides have remained on their positions. With one key difference: the court Daniela Lococo, even after the strong opposition expressed by the workers' legal, respintola has legal claim made by the company of taking witness evidence in their favor. One point for workers who now rely on a new mediation attempt, this time reasonable so as to avoid the sentence scheduled for May 16th.

Kates Playground On Toilet


Thursday, June 22, 2006


Customers will earn the workers but instead to protest the cutting of the Production Premium

Low prices and high discounts if customers gloating, there are some employees. And above all deny the fact that their performance bonus is calculated on profit business, that is just based on sales revenue. A protest is a group of employees of the department various kinds, sausages and dairy products to the warehouses of Unicoop Scandicci Florence, which will meet today with the right company to try to reach a solution.

"Operating income for the year 2005 Unicoop Florence - explain to employees - is four times higher than the previous year, mainly due to financial transactions. At the same time, however, even though sales increased, the profit margin in 2005 was a decrease, because of the containment policy implemented by the prices. The burden of these cuts ends up being passed on to employees through a significant reduction in variable pay, or the premium production, in about sixty cases, only in our department, has dropped by almost 90% over last year. A difficult situation - he concludes - that adds to our previous protests over the company's choice to outsource the night shift and afternoon in our department. " In practice, the premium production increased in some cases from 818 € to 2005 approximately 93 € about this year (both gross), compared with a monthly salary of 1,500 euro (still gross). But Unicoop Florence, meanwhile, defended their choices. "Last year we had to decide what to do in the face of a difficult situation for the country - they know Unicoop Florence - so we decided to allocate some 20 million euro of profits expected to drive down prices and help our members and customers. Thus, in 2005, Unicoop Florence had the lowest prices in all of Tuscany, allowing families to better support a difficult time and pushing the same competition in discounts and rebates. Despite this, we also managed to increase sales by 5% and maintain unchanged level of employment. It 's true that employees have to make some sacrifices, but we believe it is a success, at this stage, do not be taken away jobs and making a correct policy on prices. In any case, the parameters that define the premium produzionevengono always be decided in accordance with the unions. We respect these parameters, everything else is beside the point. "

Lisa Ciardi

Symptoms Cant Bend Knee Not Swollen


Sunday, November 13, 2005

All Coop chain of supermarkets will start the negotiations of the Tuscan technically defined "channel". In these negotiations, which proceed shop to shop, there are two common points that most care workers: a clear rejection of contracts, and the situation of part-time. As for part-time, was carved out of the seniority list, and many workers waiting years full time find themselves in uncertainty for the future.
contracts are, however, to be the focus of protest: the company claims the right to assign sectors or entire departments to external firms that take on unskilled workers in a worse condition allowing a strong economy, so long as it does in all catenne supermarkets.
A good example to understand this phenomenon involves the Coop store in Scandicci, to whom we are already occupied. Here is an ongoing lawsuit brought by workers against the company. From this warehouse in 2001 one of three shifts, and night, is in contract to Cft, historical Florentine cooperative porterage. In January this year Coop decided to cancel the contract and in turn move from night to afternoon compressing the two rounds of its employees in one shift early, very painful and very tiring. All this without any confrontation with the representatives workers, as is stipulated in the contract of national cooperatives.
The case landed at the city council of Florence in February this year. Just the news these days is a new question, submitted by the directors Anna Nocentini, Leonardo Pieri Pierluigi Ontanetti (PRC), Ornella De Zordo (Unaltracittà) and Luca Pettini (PDCI), dissatisfied with the response of the previous voice of 'Councillor Riccardo Nencini.
the sitting of 28 February, the commissioner Nencini said that the abolition of the night shift was made necessary by the protests of a committee of citizens of the district, annoyed by the work of the warehouse clubs. "We have never seen or heard of this committee - keep the workers - and ensure that work there every day and none of the company has never mentioned this problem."
Today, after nine months, not only is still in force on the afternoon shift to outsourced Cft, but was also the night. "For this reason - says Anna Nocentini - back to ask for further explanation. I find this extremely serious situation, not just from the weight held in the Florence area, but also because the municipality undertakes with entities that qualify as careful and responsible in society. While here we return to reduction in labor costs over all. " Meanwhile, the RSU
say that the situation is even worse: "Since we submitted the dispute, the climate in the store became very heavy. There are a shift manager who put pressure on individual workers threaten to move or to deny any permit or breaks if they do not produce more. But we do not come with any share of the crop. We are already the second case of 118 workers taken away by a crisis of stress. "
In the coming days there are new assemblies to decide the forms of struggle. "Meanwhile, just ahead of the negotiations of the channel, ask the union to change its attitude: we are not interested buffers procurement, but a flat refusal. For two years the Coop attitude has changed with its employees, it is time that the union take note. "

PORK & LaCoppola

Are The Pit Seats In Rosemont Theat


Sunday, June 5, 2005


Employees of the stores give full support to the RSUs on the alleged irregularities of the


SCANDICCI - Employees of the store Unicoop of Pratoni carry out in a decided case opened against the company in recent weeks.
In recent days, the RSU of the warehouse were convened at the Labour Inspectorate of Florence to report on a complaint taken by some workers and received by the inspectorate itself, concerning the arbitrary change of working which have undergone employees.
After hearing the version of the delegates of the board of the company, then director of the inspectorate would have recognized the real possibility of an illegal act by the company and has therefore promised the prompt involvement of his department.
In the following days there was a small earthquake union. In fact, during a general meeting inside the warehouse, the coordinator Filcams announced his resignation, justifying them with no acknowledgment was among workers towards the line trattativistica chosen by his organization, which would have preferred to deal with Unicoop.
In essence, the Assembly would take note of resignation in question and confirmed the confidence of the delegates remained in the RSU, but trusting in the same elections in the shortest possible time.

C. B .

Is It Normal To Fight


Sunday, May 1, 2005

Scandicci confrontation continues on the warehouse at Pratorni shifts, assigned to ' Unicoop outside, the dispute is doubled. Litigation than 30 employees joined the UIL

SCANDICCI - Two workers Unicoop litigation against the company. As reported by some workers in the warehouse of the RSU Pratoni, in the industrial area Scandicci, two lawsuits were pending against the company.
The first legal action will be undertaken in a private manner, over 30 dipendententi, while the second, which has not yet joined the same number of workers, has gained the support of a union, the UIL more precisely.
And 'the second aspect that leads to further reflection and to assess the situation from a political point of view also: the competition between different unions. In recent weeks the workers, before collecting the necessary funds to proceed privately against the company, had sought the support of all unions in the warehouse, including the CGIL. Just latter, however, based on the advice of their attorney, had said not to have given his support to workers, because there were no sufficient grounds to proceed against Unicoop and win a possible dispute.
Also as explained by some employees of the RSU, the dispute will leverage private consultation on the failure of the new working hours, which would be imposed unilaterally by the company, while the union that does not require the financial support of the employees, I will quote Unicoop for anti-union behavior.
Workers warehouse are not entirely agree with the new philosophy of the company that decided to outsource the entire afternoon shift at Cft, a cooperative external active in the field of materials handling. In this way, since in recent weeks has been suppressed in the night shift, workers employed by Unicoop can no longer carry out its activities on alternate years and then are forced to have to work on the only morning shift, which forces many of them, especially those who come from far away, exasperated at times.
The working time is not however the main problem. The main concerns the warehouse workers is primarily the fear that future management can be given to a company completely Estena.

Claudio Bozza

Wet N Wild Orlando Speedo


Tuesday, April 12, 2005

: In 30 to decide the dispute

After leafleting, protests and strikes, workers Unicoop warehouse supply goods largest in Tuscany, that of the Badia a Settimo Pratoni decided proceeding with the individual case. The complaint refers to the situation at the warehouse where the company decided to outsource operations to a private firm to prepare and ship the goods. "Last week - write the workers - there was the meeting which was to clarify the positions of trade unions. It 's the same old line that prevailed against the Coop shall not occur. The CGIL has confirmed its opposition to legal action. To a specific question as to why this comportameto said "for reasons political union." At this point we will proceed in the same case individually. However, the prosecution of a union would have much more depth " . The reference procedure for workers is the so-called "anti-union behavior" that can only be undertaken by the unions. They will be about 30 workers who will proceed with the dispute on the approximately 150 affected.

Does Pvc Pipe Freeze And Break


Tuesday, April 12, 2005

back at the Coop. And we ask again what is going on in the image of the true 'good', which accords rights and profits. For some time the relationship between the company and its employees are stretched. Consider the exemplary case of workers in the warehouse of Scandicci, which supplies most of the outlets in Tuscany. Here from 2001 is a process that aims to replace employees Unicoop relatively secured with flexible workforce and cheaper for the company.
The instrument is simple: more and more shifts sell outsourced, in this case the Cft , using low-wage laborers, mostly immigrants, who break off of work to get the reward (so similar to dear old piece), and are used according to the needs of the day. "We attack at five in the morning and see out the contract work, but the shift should end around 20:30. Unicoop speaking workers, who receive a lapidary Saturday, January 28 'Service Order' from the Human Resources Director: "... his new turn weekly working hours will take place from 5.25 at 12.52. Only one round in the morning, so I'll be free in the afternoon for further contracts.
From now started the demonstrations, strikes, demonstrations by employees of the warehouse, that just not prepared to agree to these conditions. "Also because - explain - now it is clear that within a few years the entire stock will be tendered and we will be moved around to the shops. Coop in Tuscany is great, but very small in the world, and fears the arrival of the giants of commerce. So afraid and do as all other businesses: lower costs of production. "
There were also two questions municipal. A Florence: "The commissioner Nencini said the company has rise so moved by a committee of citizens against the night noises, but no one has ever heard." The other in Scandicci: "Here the mayor said that this dispute 'must not involve the local authority', however, surprising that the city councilor activities roducts and board member of its CFT". After two months of protests
sfiancanti workers have chosen to court. They went at their own expense by lawyers and were told that there are terms for two different disputes. A violation of Article 89 of the national agreement of co-operatives, which is to agree on the distribution of time with the workers. The union also could be used for 'anti-union behavior' and ask for the restoration of earlier times. Last Thursday, the meeting was held with the unions: "The lawyer told us that the CGIL there are prerequisites for both disputes, because the actual negotiations were conducted. But the same RSU refuses to start any negotiations unless they consider that a simple statement of the time change. At this point we have to go it alone, next week will open the dispute, as and individual spending, although many workers are scared and the atmosphere in the warehouse has already been made heavier.

PORK & LaCoppola

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CGIL abandon us? WE'LL

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Scandicci Stock Badia a Settimo, some workers will turn to the court
Cgil abandon us? We'll we
Unicoop: union contrary to the cause, but will act in 30

SCANDICCI - About 30 workers in the warehouse Unicoop Badia a Settimo brought a lawsuit against the company. The decision has matured in recent days on the sidelines of which was to clarify the positions of trade unions on the possible initiation of litigation against Unicoop. House that has the "clash" between the two currents of thought of the warehouse workers largest in Tuscany, over 150 people involved. On the one hand there are the RSU, which does not agree with the opening of a lawsuit against the company and would "simply" arrange a series of strikes to achieve a meeting point with the leadership Unicoop; other workers there are more incensed by the treatment received, which, through a petition, decided to take legal action to protect their rights, including through a harsh note : "As expected, prevailed against the same old line Coop shall not occur. The CGIL has confirmed its opposition to the company in fact legal."
According to the declaration of the 30 workers who have decided to follow an independent trade union from that of the RSU, the news would be most evident in the fact that the current state of things, the lawyers of the CGIL, in line with those expressed by RSU, have not found any infringement by Unicoop union on the basis of which to prosecute. In simple terms CGIL is therefore not prepared to support the cause of the 30 workers exasperated that no data are for losers, and after getting the go-ahead to the opening of the case by another lawyer, they decided to continue with hard line, yes, but with the support of the UIL, and probably also of the CISL. The workers then privately
act against the company for "anti-union behavior," too, according to them, 'I outrages on working that we suffered from, now we find ourselves having to work only in the morning, as afternoon shift was outsourced to an external company.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

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"If the Stars Should Appear one night in a thousand years, men believe and adore How Would, and preserve for many generations the remembrance of the City of God Which Had Been shown "

Today Feb. 29 of a non-leap year what happens?
is celebrated and from 'start to a new year, the seventh to be exact, English, moreover, counted with the calendar in common use, the jennoxiano naturally!

Every time I hear this song I remember her, do not know why'.
There 's a kind of sadness in this song, but also of profound love. I am almost brought tears to my eyes, and always makes me pause and think. It makes me remember, and sometimes it makes me smile.
I love it! Who do you say?!
But the goal 'of my heart, that flesh and blood, which ones every day makes me feel so' proud to be with the woman 'beautiful universe!